Wednesday, April 9, 2014

RIP The Battousai

Last night, my Free Company finally died. It's been a long time coming... Since I got pregnant, I wasn't around as much and so... drama ensued. Drama makes ripples and those ripples make ripples. It was fun while it lasted and I enjoyed being the Free Company Master of The Battousai «SLYR». For now, I've given the reigns over to my husband to revamp the FC as he sees fit; but I think we're just going to pass it on to an alt to hold onto for a little while. I need time away from the name and the pressure. I plan to be a tagless free agent Scholar for a little while before I settle into another Free Company as a meer nobody. I don't want to fill a leadership role for a long time.

Thank you to all the people who made The Battousai a success while it lasted; please keep in touch!

RIP -- The Battousai (8/24/13 - 4/9/14) -- until it's resurrected.


  1. Drama does ruin FCs. I've known a couple of FCs that has had to deal with them and never lasted either :c But well, sometimes things aren't just easy to it cannot be helped. Good luck with everything though. Despite the disband, I believe having the people you trusts to still be there for you is the best thing to have in this game :3

    1. Thanks. It's for the best. Many moved together to another FC. I'm just going to be alone for a little bit before I decide on my new home.

      I have no doubt that the friends we made will keep in touch and continue to run things with us here and there. Not the end... just different. :)
