Monday, June 23, 2014

Half Way There! (also FFXIV accomplishments this week)

So it's been a few weeks since my last post. Let's just say... it's been a rough couple weeks with a lot of different real life things going on (both ups and downs). Between pregnancy symptoms, a death in the family (R.I.P. Abuelo), a family emergency, and a funeral just to name some of the harder things; it's been rough. We did, however, get to see our little girl a few weeks back.We're now half way there! She's started kicking this week. I don't know what I expected to feel, but if you ask me, a baby's kicks (at least in the beginning) feels like a bunch of little muscle spasms. Hubby also felt her kick for the first time and he was SUPER excited! So weird to think that in just a few short months, we'll be meeting our little girl!

This past week our FFXIV raid group (minus a couple members) downed Turn 6. It was my first clear and I was super excited! Drops were High Allagan Earrings of Aiming and High Allagan Boots of Casting. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get a healing drop :) We got a couple attempts on Turn 7 this past week, but it's still early and most of us are just learning the mechanics. It's a lot of little things to remember to do/dodge/kill at once. Hopefully we'll get further this week on it. Wish us luck!

Other notable achievements this week: I finished collecting my last three Atma, got my Omnilex Atma, finished my first book (on my way to Animus... then NOVUS), race-changed back to a Miquo'te from a Lalafel (I went Lalafel for about a week or so... When I switched back to cat I went Keeper of the Moon instead of Sun -- still deciding on if I miss my original Rahhzay-sun-kitty), got my Weathered Daystar Breeches (still hovering at i93 -- but yummy yummy crit!), and got my Dragoon to 46 (thus also getting my Artifact gear). So I'd say... it was a pretty productive week.