Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Weathered Daystar Robe get!

This weekend was filled with lots... and lots... of Brayflox HM. Upside, I finally got my Soldiery chest piece: Weathered Daystar Robe! It's the first time in what feels like months where I was able to sit down and binge on video games the entire weekend. We've (my husband and I) had plans every weekend for at least two months... his break hasn't come yet. He's spending the week in Tennessee visiting family and next weekend is our Gender Reveal in Las Vegas.

I don't think I've ever been so productive in Final Fantasy XIV... I completed Ifrit Extreme, completed this chapter of the Main Scenario, put some attempts on Leviathan Extreme, got my Garuda healing ring (finally got rid of the LAST piece of Darklight). I feel like there's more that I accomplished, but I honestly can't even remember.

My husband isn't enjoying the game as much anymore. We haven't really been able to play together in a long while (which seems to happen in most MMO's we start together). His end-game goals are usually much different than mine and he enjoys being able to be strong alone as opposed to having to rely on so many other people. This may be why he typically likes PvP a lot more then PvE. He can show his skills in a different way and doesn't have to rely on a team (depending on the game). I remind him that PvP is getting revamped right now, but his expectations are too high for FFXIV to likely meet at the present time; he'll still have to rely on his team.

I tried queueing for a little bit of level 30 PvP myself last night. It was... okay. I had a little fun, but at level 30, I don't have many tools that I need to help my team succeed (like Leeches). If I'm focused with a bunch of people who can stun.... I'm toast. It's beyond frustrating. Even with "Purify" -- I'm dead. I only queued for 30 since I have no PvP gear currently. I guess I'm going to need more practice... probably in the level 40 range...

I tell everyone who asks me on stream, "if your goals are PvP-oriented, this is not the game for you.... yet. Things may change for the better, but bear in mind that Square Enix hasn't done PvP before; they're learning what works for them and taking player feedback to improve it (as with everything else). If it's PvE you want, this game is AMAZZZZZZINNNNNG!!!" I hope Square Enix's changes make PvP a more balanced and viable outlet for those who enjoy it.

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