Friday, July 11, 2014

2.3 First Impressions

Square Enix has been doing such a great job with the content they've been putting out in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. With so much to do in this patch, it's easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start. First two things I did: Expand My Character and Retainer's Inventory & add the % remaining HP to my HUD.

How to Expand Character / Retainer Inventory:
  1. Character Configuration
  2. Control Settings
  3. Character Tab
  4. Inventory Interface
  5. Expanded
How to Display Target's (and Focus Target's) Remaining HP %:
  1. Character Configuration
  2. UI Settings
  3. HUD
  4. [ ] Display target's remaining HP percentage
 The next thing I did, because it's what I do with each content patch, is go pay a visit to the Aesthetician and check out the new haircut. I have to say, I wasn't entirely sure about it at first... but it's growing on me! From there, it was time to unlock ALL THE THINGS! A link to a list of unlockables and where to unlock them can be found here or for a visual table click here.

My unlocks so far and a little bit about them...

Frontlines PvP
Overview: A new player vs player battle-mode where players team up with 23 others affiliated with their associated Grand Company to cap points, kill enemy players, and kill mobs that spawn to score points. There are 24 players per Grand Company participating, making for a 24x24x24 battle of defense and offense to be the victors. The matches last no longer than 30 minutes, but can end as soon as a team reaches 1600 points.

Impressions: I didn't get to participate on Tuesday's patch day because of the dreaded Duty Finder withdrawals. Currently, players have to wait for all 72 people to accept their queues. I was in queue for over an hour before having to leave queue to participate in my Static's scheduled raid. My husband, however, was in within 20 minutes. I did, however, participate on Wednesday. After about 20-30 minutes, everyone finally accepted their queues, and we were in! Currently, I am allied with Maelstrom, and we kicked ass in this match. My appliance grabbed the market to the North West, after which 4 of us remained to defend it from any passing enemies. The music and battle music were EPIC, and I enjoyed the PvP. There could be any variation of enemies coming to fight you, not the standard Tank, Healer, 2 DPS that people have been fighting in Wolves' Den. We were successful in keeping our point for the entire match (defense isn't always the most glamorous or fun thing... but necessary all the same). Our team eventually won, earning us 50 Tomes of Mythology, 25 Tomes of Soldiery, 400 PvP Experience, and 600 Wolf Marks. Overall I enjoyed the one match I played, and look forward to playing it even more. I'm interested to see how it progresses over time. Note: The duty finder problem has been fixed as of today.

Syrcus Tower
Overview: The second installment of Crystal Tower and continuation of Labyrinth of the Ancients. Filled with four new challenging bosses, players can earn new i100 masquerade-themed gear, Unidentified Allagan Tomestones, Oil of Time, Throne Gem, Wind-Up Onion Knight. Players are limited to one reward per week (like Labyrinth of the Ancients limited before); only known exception from the one per week rule is the Wind-Up Onion Knight. Reward eligibility resets every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. PDT.

Impressions: Fun and challenging. Even with people in other alliances who had completed the raid and explaining fights, we were challenged and confused much of the time. The first two bosses gave us the most trouble, but I think we all warmed up to the challenges by the end. I received the beautiful Scylla's Robe of Healing, which I really only wanted for vanity's sake (teehee!). I look forward to gearing up my Dragoon in here. The music was amazing, the fights were fun, and the scenery was beautiful. Great job Square Enix /thumbsup!

Chocobo Raising
Overview: Players are now able to stable their chocobos at a Free Company stable and train them once per hour, granted they have something to reward their buddy for its hard work. By doing this, one's chocobo can surpass the level 10 cap and strive towards a new cap of level 20. Points can also be re-allocated by going to a certain NPC (I'm not sure which at the moment).

Impressions: While there really isn't anything you do to interract with your chocobo during its training, the cute little cutscenes that play are fun to watch and fairly quick. Your chocobo receives experience each time you train it. If you keep your chocobo stabled, you cannot ride him or have him fight by your side (of course). I look forward to playing around with the different rewards I can give my little Maleficent and see what foods I like best for her.

Overview: Elite (and regular) marks are given to players via a Hunt board near the Grand Company HQ's to help defend Eorzea from the dangerous beasts and enemies. There are daily bills and weekly bills. Elite Mark Bills are the same for all players (this is the weekly), and Regular Mark Bills differ from player to player (these are the daily). Rewards include Allied Seals (which can be traded for things such as weapons, armor, minions, sands of time, oil of time, and alexandrite at your Grand Company), Allagan Tomestones of Mythology, and Allagan Tomestones of Soldiery.

Impressions: I've completed one Regular Marked Bill to completion (which wasn't hard aside from waiting around for a couple fate mobs to spawn). As far as the Elite Mark Bill, Naul is proving to be a pain in the butt to track down. There are three ranks of mobs: B, A, and S. B is the easiest to kill, S of course is the hardest and likely requires many to show up. Many linkshells have popped up on Behemoth server to better communicate when any of the bigger mobs show up. Please note that many of these marks are not attached to a FATE, and can spawn anywhere on their designated maps. I've noticed that by the time someone has already stated they've seen Naul (B-rank target), he's already dead. Many have just taken to searching other zones for any of the other mobs, which you can still get rewards from for killing, regardless of whether or not you have a bill for them. The Bill just gives you a bonus to your rewards. We'll see how hunts progress as time goes on. Will they be farmed and constantly have people searching for dangerous monsters to kill? or will the fizzle out and eventually need people to shout just to get help for a kill? We shall see...

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